when we reached there so bloody hot lor the sun shining at us DIRECTLY!!!! omg i sat with cammile and i kept talking until she like a bit unhappy like wat i did with jessica the other day!! she dam angry lor that jessica!! over hyper lar no choice rite but i love it !!!... so we cheer like siao than won the cheer contest!!!! TMS ROX BABE~~~!!!! so shiok sia ....but temasek 3rd in overall la sian.....-.- than go Junction 8 with kitty(hello kitty) and her frens-agarta (or something like that) and Angel so sian lor they going Agar. hse tha i not invited so i go home my self and eat at mac lor
And that idiot mei hui go sakae! she abandon frens (old) for frens(new) dam lor...but nvm la
than got tuition hw haven finish should be doing this lor but don care la
tonight than do lar lol...lame shit of course tonight do lar than wat tomoro still got geography thingy sian!!!!!!!! f^k angry lar but not cos of mr tan his the best
so bye bye
Friday, March 28, 2008
Combined sports day
Saturday, March 22, 2008
AAARRGGGGHHhhhhhhHHHHHH!!!!!! tonight got stupid tuition cant go my gugu's hse! dammit! on thursday i go hor very sian lor.....tio scolding till i siao lor!!!! my school nvr teach me abt. his tuition stuff wat how will i noe!? see my cousin face wanna puke leh!!! he so irritating take my videos and dun giv me his stupid f%^ker!!! hate him lor!! and how to change SKIN and LINK people to blog!!!!???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............sian today do homework then monday got test again! SIAN!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Today, in English, the Govind (eng. teacher) woman gave us quite a lot homework for good friday!!!? so sian!! somemore good fri., some christian nid go church she really bu zhi dong! Than in HISTORY, Mr Wong nvr come again and he wanted us to do mindmap and i tink my mindmap really sux lar...pthers so messy my so neat and little things...lols than its RECESS!!!!!! boring recess all do shit stuff than go bak class lor and saw Quan Heng (heart)(love) Sheryl and QH trying to wipe off( i got the pic. but tired to upload...my temp. phone very hard to take in and giv out pic., sons etc.....) so must be darren gao de gui lor........i taking poto when Qh wipe it off i faster go write bak and took a nice poto but QH look so emoand sat there....than when Sheryl came bak, she became super emo lor she like cry lor.........than got ALIVE shuyu so good to us and she want us to form a grp. of 10 and tis time mi and javier same grp.!!! so good lor.....than we done liao mi and javier go wreak havoc secretly....throw people's stuff etc.. then i walk past sheryl... she look at mi ok lar stare at me!!!!!! dam lor
then on the bus, yi xian dun let me take his poto than he took mine phone away and CONFISCATE IT lame lor.......
ok today still got tuition lor......hsai sian
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Long time no see!!! So boring lor!! In my class, i really hate a guy called Jonathan! He looks like my cousin! I hav prob. wid tis face-type people.........he today act cute in golf and act act act until he hit darren's hand(a bit only lar) and the teacher suddenly shouted: U better dun F%%$ around wid me!!!! (might write wrongly, sry) MY GOD!! SO SHOIK LOR!!!!! WOOTS~~~~!!!!!!
I hate my cousin like siao lor! his face and Jon's face SUX!!!!!!! SUCKERS!!!!
Art lesson so freking sian lor...the lame IT thingy.....my comp. acc. expired(WTF) so stupid !!! then still got the dumb dumb IT ass thingy so complicated !!! FREAKING IRRITATED!!!!!
I dunno a single thing and keep laughing like SIAO!!!! hong yang do the cropping thing and do the orchid sck part--the middle! like a d^^^!!! lol
ok byebye
Friday, March 14, 2008
So sian lor! i keep remembering wat i nvr do for tis holiday and found out i gt so much to DO!!!!! sian.........keep doing hsework till i siao liao!!!! now oni 10.44a.m. haven do chinese HW YET!!!!!!! i now dam irritated man! I feel like throwing away my chinese hw sia!! stupid meihui still don buy jj new cd.....
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Lol....never thought i would have a blog!!!........so weird! I used to think blogs as stupid, crazy, lame, idiotic, etc...........of course, not anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lame rite!?